Sunday, August 15, 2010


I finally found some patterns I like, well  I only got a few for right now,, it seems that lately I haven't found many that I like,, or that I have so many it is hard to find something I don't have,, lol... it seems I have weeded out as many as I have in the last year. I mean, just how many ways can you make a skirt or a knit top,, oh well never mind about the can never have too many well fitting knit top patterns..

Anyway, here are a few of my recent additions McCall's. 5847

I really like this one,, I like embellishments,, and I can also use some of my scrap material  to make the ruffles with.
McCall's 6036

I thought this was a good play on the basic T. it also lends itself well to some embroidery?????

I just thought this one was neat,, I don't know if I care for the piece that hangs down  from the front hem, but it might work good for using scarps to,,
Vogue 8671

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